
Teaching Reading and Writing

Image   Hello my lovely friends,   How is it doing today? I hope you are doing well and stay safety at home😊 Thanks for coming back on Tiar's blog. πŸ˜‡ Alright, Today, I am going to tell you about "Teaching Reading and Writing"   Reading and writing are dynamic and interactive process. They requires strategies and skills to make meaning and create printed text. For many, reading and writing also known as literacy. Different from speaking, writing and reading are not naturally have by children. Children usually learn to read and write when they on kindergarten through third grade. Before young children will find success in what is typically considered “real writing,” they need time to explore the writing process through fun experiences like salt box writing and other playful activities. Young children are still developing their fine motor skills so the strength and motor control isn’t always on par with what ...


Image   Hello good people,   What's up? I hope everything is well. Thanks for coming back on Tiar's blog. πŸ˜‡ Alright, On this blog, I am going to share about "Assessment" Exactly, we can know how to assessing in Teaching English for Young Learners".  Children are very different from adults. They need lots of attention, play and engagement, both at home and at school. So it’s a good idea to include these things when we ask them to take a test. By young learners, we usually mean children between the ages of five and seventeen. It’s a very wide age range, so they don’t all have the same qualities or behave in exactly the same ways. We can think of young learners in roughly three different age groups, five to eight, nine to twelve and thirteen and above. In each group, their way of thinking and speaking, their attention span and, of course, their behavior can be very different. All of this influences their performance in a ...

Material Evaluation and Materials Design

Image   Hello buddies,   What is it doing today? I hope everything is doing good. Thanks for coming back on Tiar's blog and thanks for being my loyal blogger. πŸ˜‡ Alright, Today, I am going to share you about "Material Evaluation and Materials Design".       Well,  I think, that's all that I can share with you about Material Evaluation and Material Design for young learners and I hope this information can helpful us to teach young learners. Don't forget to share your own information about Material Evaluation and Material Design  in the comments column below too, so we can share many information with each others.  Alright guys, Thank you for your attention and for being my loyal blogger. See you on my next blog. Enjoy your day and stay healthy, Bye byee....     Reference:  

Learning to Learn

Image   Hello buddies,   How is it going today? I hope all of you guys are going good. Thanks for coming back on Tiar's blog. Well, Today's blog is going to talk about "Learning to learn". Do you know what does it mean? As we know Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences.       So we can conclude ‘Learning to learn’ is the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to organize one's own learning, including through effective management of time and information, both individually and in groups. This competence includes awareness of one's learning process and needs, identifying available opportunities, and the ability to overcome obstacles in order to learn successfully. This competence means gaining, processing and assimilating new knowledge and skills as well as seeking and making use of guidance. Learning to learn e...

Teaching Vocabuary and Grammar

  Hello buddies,     What's good? I hope everything is going to be okay. Thanks for coming back on Tiar's blog and still be my loyal blogger.. Well, Today's blog is going to talk about "Teaching vocabulary and grammar". As we know, vocabulary and grammar are very continuous in forming a good sentence in. English language.  Where vocabulary is the collection of words used frequently that helps to develop cognitive skills; While grammar is the order of words that make up the phrase/sentence or the structure of a language in general.       According to Batsone, R (1994), there are 3 kind in teaching grammar in context for young learners, such us: 1. Teaching grammar as a product => helps learners to notice and structure by focusing  on specified forms and meanings. 2. Teaching grammar as process => gives learners practice in the skills of language use, allowing them to procedural their knowledge. 3. Teaching gr...