Learning to Learn





Hello buddies, 


How is it going today?

I hope all of you guys are going good.

Thanks for coming back on Tiar's blog.

Today's blog is going to talk about "Learning to learn". Do you know what does it mean?
As we know Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences. 
    So we can conclude ‘Learning to learn’ is the ability to pursue and persist in learning, to organize one's own learning, including through effective management of time and information, both individually and in groups. This competence includes awareness of one's learning process and needs, identifying available opportunities, and the ability to overcome obstacles in order to learn successfully. This competence means gaining, processing and assimilating new knowledge and skills as well as seeking and making use of guidance. Learning to learn engages learners to build on prior learning and life experiences in order to use and apply knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts: at home, at work, in education and training. Motivation and confidence are crucial to an individual's competence.

Essential knowledge, skills and attitudes related to this competence: Where learning is directed towards particular work or career goals, an individual should have knowledge of the competences, knowledge, skills and qualifications required. In all cases, learning to learn requires an individual to know and understand his/her preferred learning strategies, the strengths and weaknesses of his/her skills and qualifications, and to be able to search for the education and training opportunities and guidance and/or support available. 

    Learning to learn skills require firstly the acquisition of the fundamental basic skills such as literacy, numeracy and ICT skills that are necessary for further learning. Building on these skills, an individual should be able to access, gain, process and assimilate new knowledge and skills. This requires effective management of one's learning, career and work patterns, and, in particular, the ability to persevere with learning, to concentrate for extended periods and to reflect critically on the purposes and aims of learning. Individuals should be able to dedicate time to learning autonomously and with self-discipline, but also to work collaboratively as part of the learning process, draw the benefits from a heterogeneous group, and to share what they have learnt. Individuals should be able to organize their own learning, evaluate their own work, and to seek advice, information and support when appropriate. A positive attitude includes the motivation and confidence to pursue and succeed at learning throughout one's life. A problem-solving attitude supports both the learning process itself and an individual's ability to handle obstacles and change. The desire to apply prior learning and life experiences and the curiosity to look for opportunities to learn and apply learning in a variety of life contexts are essential elements of a positive attitude.

In Learning to learn, we should do some things below, such as:

  • Understand why you want to learn a skill. There is nothing more important in this process than understanding why you want to learn something. Your motivation to learn that skill will decide your outcome. Research has shown, and it makes sense intuitively, that intrinsic motivation is much better for learning because you are motivated by the self-improvement that learning will bring as compared to salary increase that this skill may bring.
  •  Pick a "for dummies" book for learning skill. Read through this book quickly; understand the topic. This read will not only introduce the skill to you but also reinforce your learning objectives. 
  • Get a couple of complete reference or advanced books. If you are still committed to learning this skill, stack your bookshelf with advanced or complete reference books on that skill. Read the chapters that interest you first, and then you can go back to other topics 
  • Practice examples from books. In your own words/code/style practice the examples from the book. Do not skip this critical step. Just reading about a skill won’t teach you those skills. Practice. 
  • Participate in forums to help others. The best way to learn is by teaching. There’s a forum for everything. Stack overflow is a great forum for various programming-related topics. It even has sister sites on topics like English and home improvement 
  • Find projects to work on. Practice on real examples. Textbook examples are usually straightforward and without the real-world mess. Nothing will sharpen your skills than working on real projects. This is a great way to build solid relationships as well: offer help for free. Compile your notes. As you are going through the process, make sure to take good notes and once you are at the end of the process, summarize your notes and go through them one more time. This will reinforce your learning, and you’d be less likely to forget your newly learned skill. Write in a simple language: it will force you to understand the topic in depth. Of course, once you learn a skill, continue to find uses for it; otherwise, it would be difficult for you to stay sharp in that skill. 

Note: apply microlearning techniques. You can make digital flashcards using tools such as Mnemosyne and Anki. But these tools go beyond plain flashcards: they use spaced repetition to adjust the frequency of flashcards you see next. If you memorized a concept (i.e. a flashcard), it may not appear as frequently


I think, that's all that I can share with you about "Learning to learn" for young learners and I hope this information can helpful us to teach young learners in learning process.

Don't forget to share your information how can you do learning to learn for young learners in the comments column below , so we can share many information and be more understand about teaching with each others. 


Thank you for your attention and for being my loyal blogger. See you on my next blog. Stay healthy and have a nice day!!!

 Bye byee....





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